We know that email deliverability is crucial for marketers...

This is often heightened around the peak season, but it can be a challenge for marketers all year around, and at key points such as platform migrations.

With on average 1 in 6 emails not reaching the subscriber's inbox, this can have a big impact on campaign performance and that all-important revenue.  After spending time and effort crafting the perfect campaign each brand is then fighting for not only a placement in their customers' inbox, but having their campaigns delivered at all.

But what is stopping marketers from reaching the inbox?

In this webinar, RedEye and our sender certification partner Validity will look at the immediate and long-lasting importance of improving deliverability, and a guaranteed way to improve your inbox placement success, over your competitors.

Key information

Date: 5th of October 📅

Duration: 30 minutes ⌚

Time: 11:00am - 11:30am 🕛


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Rachael Kotadia, Marketing Director (RedEye)


Guy Hanson Vice President, Customer Engagement (International) at Validity Inc.
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